This comment added October 30. I just heard from a friend of mine who is a Dr. who is now retired. He informed me that D-ribose is the "D" in DNA! This means any disease that is caused by damaged genes or damaged DNA, any disease caused by enzyme imbalances, or lack of oxygen to cells, lack of one cell passing on nutrients to the next cell, all would be helped by D-ribose.
(Not an advertisement. I am not selling any product. I am offering help to research a product before you put it into your body, which is what we should all do with everything, including food and medicine
and herbs and supplements)
WHAT IF...D-Ribose is the treatment for Fibromyalgia as much as insulin is the treatment for diabetes?
So many people have been writing to me asking for more information about the Fibromyalgia treatment that has changed my life, my daughter's, and now my sister, mother and even my mother's doctor is trying it. I thought I would post it here and just lead people to this site, and others could lead their friends here as well.
Some of you will be scratching your head wondering how I could have posted about how much pain I was in and how tired I was in the last post, and here I am raving about relief from Fibromyalgia... well let me explain. My pain and fatigue is from my lupus and other health problems, and if I had to suffer the fibromyalgia symptoms on top of the other pain I am having now, I think I would be in serious condition, unable to even roll over alone, so I am thankful for whatever relief I am given, and I think if a person only had fibro, their relief would improve their quality of life, and joy immensely.
Ribose even made my depression disappear completely until I got this lupus flare-up again, which makes me wonder if my depression was caused by my brain not getting enough oxygen and nutrients. I had returned to the person that I knew and loved many years ago, and realized that my personality had not changed permanently, that the many personality changes were ONLY due to exhaustion and pain.
D-Ribose (or also called ribose) is a substance that is already in our bodies that helps the cells individually receive oxygen and nutrients. It even lowers high blood sugar, because the sugar is fed to the cells to be turned into energy, instead of just sitting in the blood.
The only bad side affect is that you get a little bit hungry, because your body is using the food for energy instead of having it just sit in your stomach and turn to fat. That can be solved by snacking wisely or just drinking water instead of snacking.
The only drug interaction is insulin and diabetes medicine, which you will be able to lower (with supervision of course).
I told my Dr. about it, and she had never heard of it, because they don't learn about natural treatments unless they study them on their own time, but she was so excited to have SOMETHING safe and inexpensive to offer her many fibro patients, but not only those patients, ribose is known to help at least 10 other illnesses, such as any disease that causes weakness or has symptoms that affect the whole system, like CFS, fibro, Lyme disease, gulf war syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, COPD, heart failure, Epstein Barre syndrome, auto immune diseases.
If a lot of people with Fibromyalgia keep getting the results I have read about and experienced, that would mean that one cause of Fibromyalgia is an inability of the body to get oxygen and nutrients directly to the cells. Without that, your get weakness and muscle pain, and even the heart doesn't get enough oxygen or nutrients. Without your cells getting fed, nothing works well.
The place I first heard about it was in a newsletter I get called "End Fatigue" from http://www.endfatigue.com/ . The author of the newsletter is a medical Dr. who wrote a book called "From Fatigued to Fantastic" by Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. If your library has that book, my daughter urges that everyone get it. I guess he is who discovered the need for D-ribose in people with any chronic illness that causes exhaustion; and he did the research that showed that people with those chronic illnesses or the elderly do not have enough ribose in their bodies.
I have read of many people going off their oxygen, and being able to lower their diabetes medicine with guidance of their Dr. and both those things happened to me. Also, when I do overdo or get ill with my other serious health problems, this helps me recover much faster than before. This has improved my heart failure so much it amazes me. In July I was literally dying. I now have a new lease on life, even though I still struggle with lupus. I think the longer I am on ribose, the more my body will heal. I think the Lord has helped me find my miracle. I know different things work for different people, but I am thanking Heaven for finding something that even takes away 1/4 of all my suffering.
Here is a page that discusses FM and CFS and Ribose, with additional articles at the bottom. http://www.immunesupport.com/library/showarticle.cfm/id/7539 It is not a prescription, so your Dr. will not know about it, but mine was very eager to hear more because there is so little that helps fibro.
As you search, you will often see VERY EXPENSIVE brands, and from what I have studied, it is no different than the other brands. You can get it in chewables or in powder or in capsules.
There's a small booklet called "The health Benefits of Ribose" by Paul Addis Ph.d...Very good description of D-Ribose in the book review under the picture of the book. http://tinyurl.com/5ut3wa . It says that ribose is necessary for literally thousands of functions in the body, so if we don't have enough, that would explain the dozens of symptoms we experience.
I have found that if you try to buy it locally, it is so very expensive, $30-150 dollars, so I buy mine at http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-Bioenergy-Ribose-Pure-D-Ribose-100-Capsules for $12.99 a bottle, which has 1.5 months supply in it. That site also has the cheapest shipping I have found in 10 years of buying things online, and that site even lets you pay from your paypal account. All supplements there are 50-85% off, and I have never found cheaper shipping anywhere, $4.99 no matter how much you buy!
I am still continuing to enjoy fibro-free hours with my D-ribose, but when I forget to take it, wow, I am back flat on my back like I was 2 months ago.
PLEASE consider giving it a try...pray about it if you need to. Its completely natural, I have listed the side effects or drug interactions. Research it for yourself...always the wise thing to do.