Tiny Tina's Mini World
My youngest daughter was named Tina, because she was so tiny. She was 2 months early and only 3 pounds. She had to stay in intensive care almost until her due date, but she has been more healthy than her parents. Certainly she seemed like a miracle baby to the nurses and other mothers, whose premature babies had horrible life-long disabling conditions. I know how blessed we were, and I thank Heavenly Father for that blessing often.
Tina lived up to her name. Since she was able to crawl, she would see something the size of a piece of salt or sand on the floor and pick it up and examine it for quite a while, until her eyes crossed! lol. She still lives up to her name. Her business of making miniatures for people who like to furnish expensive doll houses, is doing really well. I am putting these pictures here to show to another friend I met recently who makes the doll houses and the furniture that goes into them. Enjoy!

Tina's very tiny crafts.