Appreciating My Blessings
I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining or whining. I KNOW that my life could be so much worse! I would rather deal with the problems I have than almost any problem that I see my friends suffering. If we all wrote down our problems on pieces of paper and put them on a table and told everyone around the table to choose which ever problems he wants, we would all pick up our own problems and go home. This is because we KNOW we can deal with our own problems. We ARE dealing with them, but we are unsure of our ability to bear other problems.
We are ALL being tried to our limits. I know my burden is not as hard as most people's and I'm sorry if I sounded like I am worse off. I AM SO BLESSED AND SO GRATEFUL AND I TELL THE LORD SO EVERY DAY! Even being very poor in Canada, is like living like a queen compared to people in rural Africa or the deserts of the Middle East or the cities of India, or other undeveloped countries. I pray for all who don't have what we have. Even my husband who works in the war zone near Afghanistan, only gets electricity for a few hours a day, and had to buy a generator to be able to use the computer to work for our online business each day.
Happiness is not having more, it's appreciating what you DO have.