2010- Beginning of Decade of Healing and Restoration!
Far and Beyond
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever"
(Ephesians 3:20-21, NAS)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
I feel strongly in my spirit that it's going to be an Ephesians 3:20 decade! God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all we can imagine! Let that take root on the inside. It's going to be a far and beyond decade. Here's what that means: you're going to come into opportunities that will boggle your mind. You're going to see your career take off like a rocket. You're going to meet the right people who will help further your dreams. You're going to accomplish goals more quickly than you imagined. You're going to come out of debt and pay that house off even though it looked impossible. You're going to get well even though the medical report says there's no way. Things may be dark and gloomy around you, but keep your head held high. You have an advantage. You are a child of the Most High God. His face is shining down on you. God is saying it's not going to be an average decade. It's not going to be a barely-get-by decade. No, you need to get ready because it's going to be a decade of favor, a decade of increase, a decade where you accomplish your God-given dreams!
Father, thank You for an exceedingly abundantly above and beyond decade. I choose to put my trust in You knowing that You are directing my steps. Thank You for the good things You have in storefor me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I then replied to her, saying:
Thanks so much Pia for sending this. It MUST be a TRUE doctrine, that 2010 is going to start a year/decade of fulfillment. I can't tell you how many different preachers I have heard that the Holy Spirit has told them the exact same thing, and a few even said that the past 7 years have been years of trial and error, loss and struggle, but starting this year, all will be restored to us, according to His will. This is worth keeping. Did you post this on your blog by chance? If so, I'd like to post a link to your page for others to read. THANKS FOR THINKING OF ME! We found the reason why I am so sick lately, and I have been consulting a natural Dr. for remedies for it, so my hope is coming back...where the regular doctors just want you to go home and give up hope and die.BLESS YOU PIA!Sheila
I think I did post something about this, but what I posted was more on my story.... you can read through it if you want. when I read your email, I had goosebumps.... here's why...the past 7 years have been years of trial and error, loss and struggle, but starting this year, all will be restored to us, according to His will. --- http://www.piasjournal.com/2009/12/7-year-of-completion.htmllet's be hopeful and expectant because I believe God is going to do something really great in our lives.Pia
Wow Pia---now I KNOW the Holy Spirit gave you and I the same message. As I mentioned to you before, I have heard this message from so many pastors/people of God, that "the past 7 years have been years of trial and error, loss and struggle, but starting this year, all will be restored to us, according to His will." Then you showed me this. Some said "this year", some said "this decade", but at least we can have hope that things will look better starting this year! 7 years is a holy number, and the body is completely regrown every 7 years, so it makes sense that 7 years after your broken marriage, and 7 years after I met my husband who was then kept away from me, things would change.Love you
Pia, right now on TV is ANOTHER pastor, preaching about how this decade, but mostly this year, is going to be a year of restoration and blessing. I don't know if all these pastors got together at some conference and decided that this would be the "theme" they would preach about this year, or if the Holy Spirit is really sending each of them this message individually, but it's really amazing! I know I got the message individually before I heard any pastor speak about it, so I know it's true. It would be interesting to know if there WAS some kind of conference or not, because then I could tell that the pastors who are teaching this are the ones that are truly in touch with the Holy Spirit.This might really excite you. This is the TV program I just heard that made me write to you.Click on the silverlight player, then listen to "today's broadcast". (If any of you are reading this later than Feb. 7, but before Feb. 14, see if it will play Feb. 7th message. if you are reading this after Feb. 14, look in archives for Feb 7/2010 message.) I don't know how many more days you will hear today's message about how this decade and year will change dramatically from the last 10 years. Silverlight is a small program, but if you want, you can remove it from your computer after you hear the message. I am saving this and other things that keep confirming this blessing of 2010 in a favorites file...including the email you sent me and the blog you wrote about 2010.It's more than a coincidence that we are hearing this again and again, I know that much.Hugs and prayers,
It's a good thing that you and sis Pia are communicating with each other and comparing notes about the revelations coursed through pastors. I believe in that too since you have suffered for so long and deserve this kind of restoration. Sis Pia is also awaiting the restoration of her marriage. That has been her lifelong dream since she was deserted by her husband. I can only hope and pray for complete restoration for both of you. Thanks for the inspiring post. God bless you always.
Mel Avila Alarilla said... Wed Feb 10, 12:59:00 am GMT-7
God knows what He is doing. let's stay hopeful and expectant. there are so many things that can make my hope fade but i try to remind myself of His promises. he who promised is faithful.
i stand with you in prayer and agreement for great and mighty things to happen in our lives this year.
Pia said... Wed Feb 10, 01:43:00 am GMT-7
Thank you Sheila for this message of hope. May God bless you abundantly for your faithfulness. You are very very patient. I heart and respect you. :)
tuti said... Wed Feb 17, 05:47:00 am GMT-7
Sheila dear--I also believe that this year will be a very special one, with spiritual power working in our lives--as well as tests and trials--
I can see that miracles are being shown to us, as our eyes and hearts are opened. Thanks to you for being a shining light!
Yes said... Fri Feb 26, 09:13:00 pm GMT-7
hi Bluebirdy, thanks for visiting my blog... you also have a nice blog here.... very interesting.... thank you and sorry for my late response
have a great day..
i already put your link in my blog roll so i can visit you here again
bluedreamer27 said... Sun Mar 07, 08:59:00 pm GMT-7
hi there just dropping by here again... Have a great day and happy blogging
bluedreamer27 said... Mon Mar 08, 07:41:00 am GMT-7
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