Saturday, 29 March 2008

Thursday, 27 March 2008
Posted by Bluebirdy at 17:35 5 comments
Monday, 24 March 2008
URGENT-Don't miss this!!
Posted by Bluebirdy at 19:50 1 comments
Saturday, 22 March 2008
GREAT VERSE for those of us who suffer but want to help others
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."
Awaiting Christ's Return
Posted by Bluebirdy at 17:49 4 comments
"The God of All Comfort
2 Corinthians 1:3-7 (NIV)
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."
Blessings, HAPPY EASTER--
Posted by Bluebirdy at 17:40 0 comments
Friday, 21 March 2008
Once I was a bank of clay along a wetted marsh. I was content and silent, enjoying the natural sensations. One day an artist came, and with a strong, forceful knife, he cut me, again and again, until I was a lump of my former self. He took me to a strange place and with torturous strength he kneaded me. He threw me on a potter's wheel. He squeezed me. He punched me. He poked me. It seemed to never end. He bent me and thinned me out. I was no longer anything like I once was. Then the wheel stopped! He held me up to a mirror. I was beautiful! The pain had made me beautiful and useful. Now I could rest, I thought. I had become what I was meant to be. But wait! Where am I going now? To a firing kiln? Fire? More pain? Why, artist, why? "My little pot, you are the shape you'll always be, the design I planned for you, but unless I fire and glaze you, you will not endure. I hope you understand, it will not be for long, and then you will be the model for my other student's pots." And so I endured the fire, with anticipation of what I might someday inspire.
Posted by Bluebirdy at 11:06 1 comments
ENJOY THE FALL (c) Sheila Wall
(please use my name when passing on)
Well, you did it. You just jumped off the plane for the first time, but not onto solid ground, into thin air! You quickly assess the situation and think, "Now I can panic, or I can savor the experience. Wow. Up here, I feel no pressure, I feel no pain. I can do flips and somersaults that I couldn't do before. I can fly! I can see my town with a different perspective. I don't worry about hitting the ground, because I know my parachute will hold me."
Many years later you find yourself on solid ground, where everything seems heavier and harder. You feel that you are falling in life. After a long series of small stresses, the one catastrophe that you thought you could never bear just occurred. The weight pushes you to your knees in tears, then in prayer, and you hear a soft, quiet voice whisper to your heart, "Well, you did it. You just jumped off the ledge of security for the first time. Now you can panic or you can savor the experience. Down on your knees I can take the load from you. You will be able to do things you couldn't do before, with my strength. You can see things with a different perspective, through my eyes. Don't you worry about hitting the ground. I will be your parachute. I will carry you to safety. Enjoy the fall." Falling doesn't always mean destruction.
Posted by Bluebirdy at 11:06 0 comments
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Young Girl with Lupus dies after Child Protection takes her away from Parents
This is just illogical and tragic. I guess it is a crime to be sick and to want to choose what treatments you want, and which make you feel too miserable to take. Please click here or copy the line into your address line.
It's Chronic Chick's new blog...great to re-visit!
Blessings, Sheila
Posted by Bluebirdy at 23:38 0 comments

Isn't it amazing the wonderful feeling of Love that enters us when we are born again? It is hard to describe to people who have not experienced it. I think that God put an empty spot inside us, and all our life we try to fill that hole. Some use drugs or alcohol or money or sex, but none of it works. Then when we find the Lord, the hole is filled, and we are complete. I wish I could share this feeling with every person on earth. If anyone who is reading this wants to fill that hole, it is so easy! Kneel down and ask God himself if He and His son, Jesus are real and if they know who you are! James 1:5 says:
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
Posted by Bluebirdy at 17:04 4 comments
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
With so many people praying for me, I'm sure wonderful things will happen in our family soon! I am filled with tears of joy and my heart is overflowing with love for those who wrote to me to say they will pray for my family and me. Did you you ever notice that "FAMILY" ends in "ILY"--texting language for I Love You! I want to write to each one of you, just give me a bit of time to get my energy. When I started this blog, I had 4 hours of energy a day. Now I can only stay active for 4 hours if I am laying on my bed with my keyboard and mouse on the bed with me. Then I am too weak and in too much pain so I have to just stop everything. I don't sleep until 3 a.m. then I wake up at 7 a.m. due to pain.
I am excited about my new friends, they love God like I do, I think the Lord will be guiding me to show me how I can make my life better and make my body stronger. Since 2 bloggers asked their viewers to look at my blog, I want to return the favor and ask my viewers to look at their blog. Such spiritual people. The Lord is sending me such wonderful earth-angels through my blog! I hope that soon He will send some local people soon to be a friend or even if I could hire them to help us.
Prayer has power. I hope you who pray for me will be blessed many many more times than you are praying for blessings for me.
Talk to you soon;
Talk to you soon
Argentina-Arthur and Gusthav
Phillipines-Mel Alarilla
Posted by Bluebirdy at 18:26 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
That "Person" Called Illness
Posted by Bluebirdy at 19:32 3 comments
God DID send angels!
My belief is that God almost always answers prayers through other people. I am home from the first day of sitting with Mom in the clinic AGAIN, and them telling her AGAIN that she can not have the surgery, it will kill her; and that she will just have to live with the way her health is now. There is no easy answer. I am hoping that she is not making more appointments with other doctors so she can try to convince them to do the surgery.
Due to Mel's blog, http://melavilaalarilla.blogspot.com/ many angels have been sent into my life, to lift me up and carry me right when I needed it most. I thank you ALL! All of you are inspired angels. With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, I am reminded that the Lord DOES know our situation and WILL help me, from all over the world. I still can't get local physical help, but we will survive. Not easily, but still survive. I am thankful for all the blessings that God has given me, and that He is protecting my husband and my mother and brother, and is sending me earth angels!
Mel (Head angel? LOL) I don't know how I will be able to thank you for asking others to pray for me. I KNOW THE POWER OF PRAYER!! I am so humbled. I am not worthy of your words, but I thank you anyway.
I am ashamed of how weak I am right now. I was not always like this, and I hope soon I will be strong enough to be an angel to others. This is not the person I planned on becoming, but this too shall pass, and hopefully I will be the strong person I was not too long ago when I had over 100 inspirational magazine articles published. I guess everyone has crisis times in their life. Sometimes you are down in a valley, sometimes on top of a mountain as we walk through this path of life. I am down in the valley and our loving Lord is sending me angels to help me get up the side of the mountain until I can stand on the top and see all the distance I came, and I can help others up the side of that mountain as well.
May God bless all of you who are praying for me! May you be blessed 100 x more than you bless others!
Posted by Bluebirdy at 16:31 6 comments
I guess Mom decided that I have rested long enough with this pneumonia. Today she wants to start going from Dr. to Dr. to try to get the surgery that they keep telling her they will not give her. She seems healthier than she has been in many many months, but for some reason she wants that surgery. Lupus exhaustion is beyond description, and so is pneumonia exhaustion, put them together with severe pain, and no help physically or medically, and I am too tired to think or to get myself a drink after I get home from driving mom from Dr. to Dr. and hospitals etc. It's only been about 5 days since she was almost killed in a hospital stay, and she wants to go back? I honestly do not have the strength to sit with her 20 hours a day in the hospital, and if no one is with her, they just ignore her, don't give her meds, let her burst colostomy bag dry all over her without helping her clean up. She can get help when she needs it, and she has lots more energy than me. She goes to stores and cleans house. I feel like I can't say no to her, but I feel like running her around is going to kill me! I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of suffering more than I have been before, without any help, and suffering alone. I miss my kids and grandkids so much, my husband, my Dad, yet I would be useless to my kids, grandkids or hubby if they WERE here. I'm stuck in a hard place. Well, off I go to an out of town Dr. Don't even feel well enough to drive out there. This is not fun. They might take one look at me sweating and coughing and white as a sheet, possibly passing out, and decide I need help, not my mom. We'll see . Thanks for your prayers. I really need an angel on each side of me to drag me along until I get a bit better.
Posted by Bluebirdy at 12:14 5 comments
Monday, 17 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
About Easter 2008
Easter This Year Will Be On March 23, 2008.--A SUNDAY--
As you may know, Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20).
This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar. Here are a couple of facts, which may interest you.
Based on the above, Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22) but that is rare. This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see the rest of our lives. Only the most elderly of our population have ever seen it this early (95 years old or more). None of us has ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier
Here are the facts: The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228 (220 years from now).
The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if you're 95 or older, you are the only ones who were around for that).
The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22, will be in the year 2285 (277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818.
So, no one alive today has ever or will ever see it any earlier than this year, March 23, 2008.
Posted by Bluebirdy at 14:20 1 comments
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Please pray for 2 blog friends
Posted by Bluebirdy at 22:29 2 comments
Posted by Bluebirdy at 01:48 1 comments
Pneumonia Stinks!
Posted by Bluebirdy at 01:36 3 comments
Sunday, 9 March 2008
I want my sense of humor back!
ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO RECOVER YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR? I don't recognize myself anymore. So many years of having no one to talk to, and having constant pain has drained me of my sense of humor. In my first NDE, the spirit who was talking to me told me that I would one day become a wise woman of God. Up until that time, all I did was joke around. No one could get me to be serious. I was really annoying. I told the spirit that I'd better stay alive just to see how I could change that much, because I just didn't see how that could happen. In another NDE after my husband left, another spirit (I think it was a relative) asked me why I wasn't using my sense of humor to help me deal with that situation. I didn't even know how to reply. Laughter is spontaneous. If you're getting tickled, or hear/see something funny, you feel like laughing. If you aren't getting tickled and don't hear/see something funny, or don't feel good, you don't feel like laughing. I guess that's the next quality I have to keep working on and praying for. It sure would make like easier. When I am talking to people in the clinic or hospital or when the ladies from church come to visit, I am cheerful and funny, but as soon as I'm alone, nothing seems funny. I guess that's depression, which is a real disease, not just a bad attitude. I can't take prescription anti-depressants, so I will just have to work hard to overcome self-defeating thoughts. ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO RECOVER YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Just click "comments" below, and enter your suggestions.
Posted by Bluebirdy at 19:16 6 comments
Found out why I was so tired...
Posted by Bluebirdy at 19:02 0 comments
Saturday, 8 March 2008
The only reason Mom is still alive is due to our Heavenly Father. She should have died in 3 days without her heart medicine or insulin or sleep meds. She does not sleep at all without sleep meds. That Dr. and the hospital will be reported. They let my mom call for help while her excrement got dried on her.
We are blessed. My brother and I are SOOO weak from the whole ordeal, but Mom bounced right back and came home to clean house etc. because she doesn't remember that she was delirious and didn't feel the fear that we felt for our lives and futures that we I felt, she didn't feel the suffering of watching someone we love suffer....and the drain of going her telling us everything she was seeing and hearing, which no human being should have to see, and the exhaustion of fighting for her rights and being her nurse. Now she's forgotten about it, but it has made my brother and I really weak.
We are drained, but of course I did have to walk about 4 miles a day and go to the E.R. for myself and I picked up some kind of bug from that hospital. Chest infection I guess. My regular temp is only 97.6 instead of 98.6 cuz my thyroid is messed up, but now it's 102. This hospital is dangerous unless you have an advocate or witness with you at all times.
Gosh SO much stress...over and over and over...Then I get so mad at myself for not being able to function at full strength.
Well thanks for letting me vent. This is great therapy, and I really don't say too much to people in my life. I just share it on paper or now on this blog.
I am thanking God and Jesus and Holy Ghost and angels and anyone else who was involved in helping us get through that ordeal. I did learn that I do pretty well during a crisis, but then I pay for it afterwards, badly. Some friends have said "It's over now. You should be fine." ...but Some panic DURING the crisis, some collapse after. It would have been SO much worse if I did not have faith that the Lord loved us and knew our problem and would be our strength and that there is a reason for everything.
It turned out that she had salmonella poisoning and lost so much fluid in just hours, that it messed up her electrolytes and brain and body fluids.
Still, I am SOOOO grateful, and tell the Lord so whenever I think of it. It could have been such a bad ordeal if she stayed in those hallucinations. I don't think we thank the Lord enough! So go count your blessings, and thank the Lord for all that you have, even those things you are not aware of!
THANK YOU!!!!Hi My precious family and God-given dear friends!Just a note to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for your miraculous prayers. I got so many wonderful loving letters that I want to reply to individually but I just don't have the strength, so forgive my "group" thank you.My brother and I are DRAINED. So many things went wrong, as if Satan was trying to make it as difficult as possible on us, but Mom's hallucinations were temporary, due to severe case of dehydration after food poisoning. She is only alive today because of our Father in Heaven. What a blessing to know Him and His loving Son.The power of prayer is such a precious gift. We could have had a very selfish God who put us here and left us alone, but He didn't. He made communication with Him as easy as possible...and yet most people in the world still don't think of praying. I am soooo grateful to Him, even if I'm sooo tired. I picked up a lung infection at the hospital so maybe this is why I am not bouncing back.THANK YOU AGAIN!Blessings, Bluebirdy
Posted by Bluebirdy at 16:27 1 comments
Labels: brother, hospital, medical system, Mom, prayer
Friday, 7 March 2008
Our hospital is dangerous!
Posted by Bluebirdy at 00:35 3 comments
Labels: hospital
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Posted by Bluebirdy at 18:27 0 comments
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
11 p.m. same day
Posted by Bluebirdy at 23:42 3 comments
Labels: hospital
Posted by Bluebirdy at 08:30 0 comments
Labels: hospital
Forgot to mention
I got out of the hospital at 1 a.m. and my battery was dead. Just what I needed after 24 hours in the hospital and in terrible pain and heartbreak. Thank heaven I belong to an auto club, and they took about an hour to come. I got 4 hours sleep. Time to get back to the hospital in time to face the HORRID doctor mom was given. He is one of the 17 doctors I interviewed when searching for a family Dr. and all he did was insult me and threaten me. Mom has been on morphine about 20 years, and he said he is taking her off morphine while she's in the hospital. Well, that could kill her just from going through withdrawal and will not help her condition at all. She does not take morphine just because she thinks it's fun! She is in unbearable pain without it. Enough pain to make her heart stop. Looks like I will have to sneak in some of her pain medicine just to keep her alive. This is a nightmare. My mother is SUPER intelligent, VERY emotionally strong. She has barely even cried from Dad's death, and did months worth of paperwork in a very short time, even though the government has decided that SHE is the dead one, and they cut off all her retirement checks. One mistake by a gov't worker, and it takes MONTHS to get it straightened out. I'd better get going in case the car battery is dead again and I'll have to call a cab. I am thinking of the scripture that says you will never be given more than you can handle, and I don't believe it. Otherwise why would people have heart attacks and nervous breakdowns and physical breakdowns? When I re-looked at that scripture, it actually said that no one will be TEMPTED more than they can bear...but still people quote that scripture to me. Oh gosh, I'm in so much pain. I have not sit up for 24 hours straight for many many years. I have not sit up for even 12 hours straight for over 11 years. I feel the Lord's comfort and strength and I am very grateful for it.
Blessings, Bluebirdy
Posted by Bluebirdy at 07:15 0 comments
Labels: hospital
Dear friends, just ran home from the hospital to get Mom's list of allergies and meds...she is in critical condition and hallucinating and hearing voices but ALL the medical tests are negative. SO weird how they can tell me she's dying if her tests are all negative. She is not in reality at all. This is more than a nervous breakdown. She might be in a nursing home, which would make me homeless for a while...so pray that God will help me take care of all of mom's junk and find a new place if she does die or go into a nursing home. My brother was so upset he had to be treated for heart/chest pain too. We have no clue what's going on but Dad died 3 months ago, and I hear of the spouse going soon after, in many cases...so please pray that angels will hold up my brother and mom and I. My husband was so close to being killed by a suicide bomber on Thursday...am I going to lose my Dad, mom and husband all within 3 months? I am not even well enough to be sitting at the hospital with her, so we will see how soon I need the emergency room too. Oh gosh this is TOO HARD! I have been trying to deal with stress that is getting worse and worse alone, while getting sicker and sicker! I AM SO WORN OUT! *sob* please pray. I always feel your prayers.
Love, Sheila
Posted by Bluebirdy at 02:19 0 comments
Labels: hospital
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Posted by Bluebirdy at 10:21 0 comments